O'Brien and Leichenko. 2001. Double Exposure: assessing the impacts of climate change within the context of economic globalization
This paper considers synergisms between the impacts of two global processes, climate change and economic globalization. Both processes entail long-term changes that will have di!erential impacts throughout the world. Despite widespread recognition that there will be `winners' and `losers' with both climate change and globalization, the two issues are rarely examined together. In this paper, we introduce the concept of double exposure as a framework for examining the simultaneous impacts of climate change and globalization. Double exposure refers to the fact that certain regions, sectors, ecosystems and social groups will be confronted both by the impacts of climate change, and by the consequences of globalization. By considering the joint impacts of the two processes, new sets of winners and losers emerge.
Obrien and Leischenko Double exposure.pdf
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